Value Talk Series
Presenter's application
in collaboration with
Jacaranda Institute for Online Learning (JIOL) in collaboration with Students Universe (StUn) is organizing a free value talk series for students.
This form is to submit your presentation and abstract of your presentation in 100 words. Once your presentation is selected you shall be informed.
Instructions for Presentation:
- Your presentation shall be on any Value topic of your interest.
- Presentation shall be for 45 mins followed by 10 mins discussion (45 + 10 = 55 mins)
- Upload presentation of file size should be <= 10 Mb
- Presentations shall be in the format pptx or ppt only.
Your abstract along with presentation shall be evaluated by a panel. If you are selected for presentation, you shall receive an email communication with date and time of your presentation.
There shall be one presentation every week. Best presenters of month shall be highlighted on JIOL website and
Fields marked with * are required and must be keyed in. Only registered participants shall receive the WebEx online meeting link for the meeting.